Applications and services


BMP evaluation

Evaluation of the potential biogas and methane yield of different feedstock. Identification of the best operative parameters of anaerobic digesters.
Instruments: drum-type gas meter (Ritter TG05/5), multigas detectors (Drager X-am 7000), continuous and batches reactors. 


Study of thermochemical processes

Evaluation of the effectiveness of physical, chemical, thermal and biological pre-treatments to increase the biogas and methane yield of different feedstock. Calorific value measurement (ISO 1928) using IKA C200 calorimetric bomb.


Evaluation of particulate emissions

Evaluation of particulate emissions from agricultural operations; analysis of technical solutions for the abatement of gaseous and particulate emissions from the agriculture sector. Instruments: optical particulate samplers (Dusttrack II), black carbon sampler (MicroAeth AE51), Atmospheric Particulate Matter Sampler (Tecora Echo PM), weather station with 3D sonic anemometer.


Evaluation of gaseous emissions 

Evaluation of gaseous emissions (ammonia and GHG) from manure storage and after organic and chemical fertilizers land application; analysis of technical solutions for the abatement of gaseous  emission from the agriculture sector and livestock.
Instruments: open large dynamic chamber, multigas monitor, wind tunnel.


Effluents management

Functional tests of technologies to optimize and increase the sustainability of the treatment of livestock effluents.


Machines functional tests

Carrying out specific tests, according to national and international standards (EN 13080, EN 13406, etc.), aimed at verifying the functional (uniformity of distribution) and environmental (emissions) performance of spreader machinery of organic and chemical fertilizers.

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